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9 Movie Reviews

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I really like how you made everything move less than 1 mph and then repeat itself; it really made me grasp the importance of helping my community by volunteering at my local salvation army.

ZekeySpaceyLizard responds:


Not bad for a test i guess

Your drawing style isn't THAT bad (you could add a bit more detail), but the biggest flaw in the flash is that it moves like a slideshow and doesn't have any sound. I know it's just a test but in the future change the framerate to something like 24 frames per second and add some sound.

Pretty funny

It kind of reminded me of jerry jackson. Nothing wrong with that.

jayeshepherd93 responds:

lol thanks for the good review

I love the series

I love the animation, story, series, viedoe game, the animaiton, sound, techniquee, story, and anmiation and sound, and the story, aniamtion , songs are good, and i like the story and i like the animation, most of all i like the following: animation, story, and i like the animation, and the sound, but waht i really liked was the sound and the story and the animation and the video games's sound and story, and the songs, and finlally i likekd the story. THE END.

JMartin97 responds:

Yeah but what did you like about it?

beautiful, like a butterfly

It was kinda slow to start but it kept getting funnier and funneir

I couldn't stop laughing

But srsly though i was in Mohsi Moshi forest the other day when a electrotree attacked my snorlax. Naturally, i paralized it with Yell and used Bitch Slap to down it to 35 health. It took me like 45 super ultra balls (I'll just spend a few hours and 800 pokedollars to get them back), but i caught it. LIFE IS GOOD.


Practically all of your flashes are amazing. Wether it's disturbing, funny, beautifully animated, or has something to figure out, it blows me away almost every time.


One of the best flashes on Newgrounds


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